
Shower Trays

Resin Bonded, Acrylic Capped


Made from moulded acrylic sheet and filled with resin bonded admixture to provide a strong and durable shower tray. Each tray includes a 90mm waste outlet and trap with a Chrome finish. The trays are 40mm high.

List of Shower Trays (05)

01. Square Shower Trays
Code Size
7070SQ 700 x 700mm
7676SQ 760 x 760mm
8080SQ 800 x 800mm
9090SQ 900 x 900mm
100100SQ 1000 x 1000mm
8080SQ01. 8080SQ - 800 x 800mm - Square Shower Trays
02. Rectangular Shower Trays
Code Size Code Size
9076 900mm x 700mm12080 1200mm x 800mm
9070 900mm x 760mm12090 1200mm x 900mm
9080 900mm x 800mm120100 1200mm x 1000mm
10070 1000mm x 700mm14080 1400mm x 800mm
10090 1000mm x 900mm14090 1400mm x 900mm
10076 1000mm x 760mm15080 1500mm x 800mm
10080 1000mm x 800mm 15090 1500mm x 900mm
11070 1100mm x 700mm160801 1500mm x 800mm
110761 1100mm x 760mm16090 1500mm x 900mm
11080 1100mm x 800mm17070 1700mm x 700mm
110901 1100mm x 900mm17080 1700mm x 800mm
12070 1200mm x 700mm17090 1700mm x 900mm
12076 1200mm x 760mm18080 1800mm x 800mm
907002. 9070 - 900 x 700mm - Rectangular Shower Trays
03. Quadrant Shower Trays
Code Size
80QUAD 800 x 800mm
90QUAD 900 x 900mm
100QUAD 1000 x 1000mm
80QUAD03. 80QUAD - 800 x 800mm - Quadrant Shower Trays
04. Offset Quadrant Shower Trays
Code Size
98QUADR 900 x 800mm RH
98QUADL 900 x 800mm LH
108QUADR 1000 x 800mm RH
108QUADL 1000 x 800mm LH
109QUADR 1000 x 900mm RH
109QUADL 1000 x 900mm LH
128QUADR 1200 x 800mm RH
128QUADL 1200 x 800mm LH
100129QUADR 1200 x 900mm RH
129QUADL 1200 x 900mm LH
STW001 Waste & Trap
98QUADR04. 98QUADR - 900 x 800mm - Offset Quadrant Shower Trays
05. Resin Stone Shower Trays
Code Size
ALEK10 1000 x 800mm
ALEK12 1200 x 800mm
WIRQ16 Shower tray feet - pack of 4
ALEK1005. ALEK10 - 1000 x 800mm - Resin Stone Shower Trays
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